...with apologies to Wally Lamb, whose book by the same title I haven't read - but my husband was reading it at around the same time I started this blog, and it seemed appropriate...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two months home...

... and 20 months old today!  Ellie continues to amaze and amuse us with her spunky personality and (nearly) seamless transition into our family.  She is starting to use several words, although her version of them pretty much all start with /b/ or /g/ ("Mama" being a notable and welcome exception).  She says "ball" and "bye-bye" pretty clearly, as well as the most useful expression in any toddler's vocabulary - "Uh-oh!".  Other words include "GahGah" for Daddy, "Gaa" for Patrick, "NgNg" for Ginger, "bop" for book, "Boppoh" for Copper, the neighbor's dog...  So I think we're on the verge of a big word explosion, once Ellie masters a few more sounds.  Even better, she seems to understand more and more of what we're saying, and continues using signs we've taught her and sounds/gestures of her own in order to communicate what she wants.  Books have begun to hold her interest a little more, so we can usually make it through several pages before she closes the book and chooses a different one.  Progress!      

The kids are having so much fun together.  Patrick and Samuel have rekindled their brotherly friendship, now that the newness of Ellie has worn off a little and Patrick has realized that Samuel can lots of things Ellie can't do yet.  Yesterday the boys played together down in the basement while I fixed dinner, with no yelling and no tears.  Amazing.  Samuel now plays with Ellie more often than he hits her.  (It's a bit of stretch at this age to say they actually play together, but Samuel will often bring Ellie a toy, offer to give her a turn at something, entertain her while she's at the table or having her diaper changed - and she, in turn, tries to imitate everything he does, which is so endearing and also a bit scary, because Samuel is practically fearless and has the bruises to prove it.) 

The year is beginning to fly by again, now that school has started and things are going more smoothly here at home.  We recently celebrated Patrick's 7th birthday, and talk of Halloween costumes has begun.  Fall is in the air - as well as some much-needed rain - and we are enjoying (mostly) uninterrupted sleep.  Life is sweet. 

Happy 20-month Birthday, Ellie!

Enjoying a cupcake on Patrick's birthday

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